I am Reverend Dr. Robert Schoeman, and I am honored to serve as the pastor of this vibrant and welcoming congregation. I was appointed to Redland Church in 2020 when it was still part of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. Since then, our church has successfully disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church due to theological differences on key doctrines. On June the 2nd, 2024 we celebrated our first year of independence.
This transition has allowed us to embrace our mission and vision with greater unity and clarity, firmly rooted in the Wesleyan doctrine of salvation and discipleship ministries. Redland Church is a place where love and welcome abound, and our mission is deeply rooted in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Each person, whether a visitor or a member, brings unique gifts that contribute to this mission.
Our discipleship motto, "Disciples make new disciples," encapsulates our commitment to introducing others to Christ and sharing the message of God's love. Our guiding scriptures include Psalm 103, which reminds us of God's unwavering love for all people, and John 3:16, which declares that God gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life. John 3:17 assures us that Jesus came not to judge the world, but to save it. Furthermore, John 8:32 promises that those who believe in Jesus will be set free by the truth, and those who are free will be free indeed.
At Redland Church, our vision is to experience a great harvest of souls for Christ, where individuals are saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, and empowered to win more souls for Christ. Our ministries reflect this vision as we nurture, reach out, and bear witness to God's love. We are blessed with wonderful Sunday school teachers and small group leaders who help us grow in faith and fellowship. Each of us has a unique story of how we found Christ, whether at a young age or later in life. Together, we form a unified church committed to loving others and expanding God's kingdom here at Redland Church and beyond.
Pastor Rev. Robert Schoeman (540) 533-5745 PastorRC2023@outlook.com
Preschool/Daycare Director Angie Feathers (540) 888-8476 redlandpsdc@gmail.com
Ministers The Redland Congregation Organists / Pianists Ron Morell Deb Saunders Praise & Worship Participants Deb Saunders Ken Quick Ilse Jorgensen David Whitacre Betty Denny Kay Bennett Kim Habel
Administrative Council Chair David Whitacre Finance Chair Andrew Toth Staff Parish Relations Chair Sandy Sperry Trustees Chair Harry Linton Missions Tammy Nicodemus-Linton Parish Nurse Deb Saunders